Miles Gray
Miles graduated with a double degree of Bachelor of Physiotherapy with First Class Honours, and a Bachelor of Exercise Science, and has over 10 years of experience. He has delivered Physio services for Gymnastics Tasmania and has completed additional study in wound care and splinting. Miles heads up our physio graduate program at Active. Miles is often booked out as his patients love his relaxed, professional approach.

Jordan Siebenhausen
Jordan brings extensive knowledge in lower limbs to the Active team. He graduated with a Doctor of Physiotherapy and Bachelor of Exercise Science and has years of experience in musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. Jordan has a unique ability as a Physiotherapist to not only assess injuries but to splint, cast and manage wounds.

Claire Forster
Claire graduated with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy and is an experienced musculoskeletal physio. She has a great mix of splinting, casting, wound care and physio skills which allows her to comprehensively treat and diagnose. She is very methodical in her treatment goals and combined with her caring nature, she is often booked out.

Hamish Inch
Hamish graduated with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy and is an experienced musculoskeletal physiotherapist. He has specialised in lower and upper limb conditions supervising in our southern clinics for a number of years. Hamish will often take on patients in our clinic that have multiple complex injuries. Hamish also has a unique specialty in having wound care, dry needling, casting and splinting knowledge which enables him to use every possible avenue for the best outcome.